Global Algae
Global Algae is a family-owned company guided by Christian values.
Technology advancements are essential to ensure economic, energy, and food security for all people. We are committed to finding algal solutions for the world's most complicated environmental, water, energy, and protein problems to reduce poverty, promote peace, and prevent catastrophic damage to our planet.
Economical algal production technology is more important than ever with the world's population growth and the rapidly increasing demand for protein. Attempting to meet this protein demand is a primary cause of deforestation in rainforests. Algae produce 40 times more protein per acre than the best terrestrial crop and eliminate eutrophication from run-off. In addition, algae protein production requires 30 times less water and 8 times less phosphate than protein production from terrestrial crops. Innovative algae technology will solve the impending world protein crisis, prevent catastrophic environmental damage from trying to meet the growing protein demand solely with terrestrial crops, and provide an economic boon to alleviate poverty in regions and nations around the world.
Wide scale implementation of our technology will be a major component of the solution to the greenhouse gas emission dilemma. As a consumer of carbon dioxide, algae have the potential to reverse the negative environmental effects of greenhouse gas emissions. A life-cycle analysis of algae production for animal feeds found that replacing 40% of the world's animal feed with algae meal would be enough to keep greenhouse gas levels within the IPCC climate change target.
Our company's co-product approach includes algae oil produced jointly with protein, which provides a renewable source of fuel that will create the opportunity for countries all over the globe to achieve fuel and food security.
We are working to change the world through:
Our technology will provide job opportunities, alleviate poverty, protect the environment and the planet, and change the world’s geopolitical stance by providing the United States and other countries with the ability to achieve sustainable protein and fuel security.
Care and Compassion
We are committed to changing peoples lives through charitable work and life-enriching experiences. Changing the world through technology is essential to improve peoples lives; however directly loving and caring for people is vital for true joy and fulfillment. Global Algae Innovations hosts seminars and conferences to offer life skills for marriage, parenting, financial management, and leadership training to our team and the local community. We provide Community Service Leave to full-time team members and financial assistance for team members to sponsor children in developing countries through Compassion International. We are committed to helping our team and the communities in which we work to reach their fullest potential and find fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.
Stepping Forward International
Global Algae established Stepping Forward International (SFI), a 501(c3) nonprofit organization in 2014. The charity's mission is to provide compassion, inspiration, and support to people and communities around the globe.
Global Algae Innovations seeks to serve our local communities and world missions through SFI.
Initiatives include:
Annual Marriage & Parenting Conferences.
Providing school supplies and backpacks to K-12 foster youth.
Sponsoring children through Compassion International.
Partnering to provide kids camps.
SFI partnered with the National Tropical Botanical Garden on the island of Kauai to provide a summer camp to children ages 5-14.
SFI is actively planning additional outreach activities in California and Hawaii.
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