Global Algae
Did You Know …
Forests contain 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.
Forests play a vital role in climate regulation; tropical trees alone provide nearly a quarter of the climate mitigation needed to offset climate change.
IPCC has concluded we will not achieve our emission reduction goals without stopping deforestation and restoring the world’s forests.
¾ of the earth’s freshwater comes from forested watersheds.
Half of the earth’s topsoil has been lost in the last 150 years, and deforestation is one of the major factors causing soil erosion.
Most of the world’s deforestation is to clear land for agriculture.
Clearing all of the remaining forests would not provide enough land to meet the projected world protein demand in 2050.
Over 100 million hectares of rainforest in the Amazon and 18 million hectares of rainforest in Southeast Asia have been destroyed
Protein production is the major driver for deforestation in the Amazon
Algae use 98% less land for protein production than soy
Algae production for food and animal feed would meet the world protein demand in 2050 while stopping deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.
Palm oil is a major driver for deforestation in Southeast Asia
Palm oil demand is expected to quadruple, which would increase the rainforest loss in Southeast Asia to 72 million hectares
Palm oil is the most productive land plant for vegetable oil, almost 5 times more than coconut, sunflower, or rapeseed; so palm oil is cheapest and most widely consumed vegetable oil in the world.
Algae uses 80% less land for vegetable oil than palm oil, and algae can be produced on land that is non-arable.
Producing vegetable oil with algae could meet the world’s growing demand for vegetable oils while stopping deforestation of some of the world’s most treasured rainforests.
We need algae NOW to stop deforestation!
Global Algae’s unique technology enables our algae farms to generate 40X more protein per acre than soybeans, the highest productivity conventional crop. This means that we could double our protein output with only 2.5% of the land currently in soy production or that every 3,000 acres of algae farming for protein meal will save 120,000 acres of rainforest.

Algae Impacts
Over 100 million hectares of the Amazon rainforest has been lost primarily for protein production through soy and cattle ranching. Producing the protein through algae production to feed the cattle and replace soy exports would enable the same protein production (and income) using only 2 million hectares, and thus enabling reforestation of 100 million hectares of the Amazon.
Globally, 18.6 million hectares have been deforested and planted for palm oil. Oil palm trees have a limited commercial lifespan of 25 years. If palm plantations were replaced with algae farms instead of being replanted after their lifespan is complete, then about 15 million hectares of rainforest could be restored, while maintaining the same vegetable oil production and income, and simultaneously producing 170 million tonnes of protein meal for aquaculture and animal feed for additional revenue generation.
Links for more information:
International Union for Conservation of Nature