Global Algae
Improve Health
Algae is a highly nutritious source of protein that provides many health benefits compared to conventional feed and foods:
Algae have very high concentrations of carotenoids (antioxidants), provitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, and folic acid compared to conventional food sources including fruits and vegetables.
Algae protein includes all of the essential amino acids.
Algae contain high quantities of bioavailable minerals.
Many crops contain anti-nutrients against mammals and fish such as gluten and lectin. Algae’s primary predators are not large mammals or carnivorous fish; therefore, algae do not contain anti-nutrients against mammals or fish.
Algae produce the omega-3 oil that are essential for brain and vision as well as reducing risk of heart disease and stroke and reducing inflammation and joint pain.Typically, our source of these oils is fish, but the fish don’t make omega-3’s, they get them through algae in their food chain.
Algae is a superfood and health benefits are gained by eating any foods containing algae. Currently algae is primarily available in health food stores as a supplement. Global Algae’s technology will lower the cost of algae, which will make algae meal available for use in many foods, bringing health benefits to many more people.
Algae farms in the developing world will help solve the stunting catastrophe. 821 million people worldwide are chronically food insecure. Stunting caused by malnutrition, particularly protein, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies, impacts 23% of children across the globe. The devastating effects of stunting last a lifetime, as children never reach their full height and cognitive potential. Commodity priced algae would provide a super food that is high in protein with the full essential amino acid profile and a high concentration of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for healthy development. Also, local availability of high-quality algae feed ingredients would allow smaller farmers to produce animals and fish, increasing their income and the availability of milk and meat. Large-scale algae cultivation in the developing world would generate the protein meal co-product needed to solve the problems of malnourishment and stunting.
Algae provide health benefits in animal and aquaculture feed as well. The animals are healthier, and the meat produced contains omega-3’s and carotenoids, which makes it more nutritious for people. For example, including 1% algae in piglet feed was as effective as antibiotics in controlling diarrhea (Wang, X. 2017. Green algae as a platform for protein production: Food, Feed, and Nutritional Supplements. www.bio.org):
1. AP Koyande, KW Chew, K Rambabu, Y Tao, D-T Chu, P-LShow. 2019. Microalgae: A potential alternative to health supplementation for humans. Food Science and Human Wellness 8 (2019) 16–24.